Sales Person Assessment
If you’re going to invest in sales training, it makes sense that you invest your time, effort and money on the right initiatives and that those initiatives reap results that can be identified.
How do you decide on which initiatives will make all the difference? There are so many factors which affect sales success. To make good decisions on developing your business and key people, to improve sales results you need better information.
To help you with this process we can now offer a series of feedback tools, which gather information so that you gain a broad spectrum of information before you make your decisions.
The first area to consider is sales person recruitment. Sales people are notoriously difficult to assess at an interview. After all it’s what they should do best, and their good interview skills can be very misleading. No doubt you’ve recruited a sales person who interviewed well and then had all manner of problems once they are in the business. Most of our customers have, the ISE is very useful at solving this problem.
Use the Index of Sales Effectiveness (ISE©) for your sales recruitment and development decisions
The ISE and ISMEWhat’s the difference?
The ISE is a quick and easy to use tool that measures the likely effectiveness of people in sales roles. It can be used as part of a filtering process in selection, or as part of the development discussion in career reviews. It comprises three main areas:
- Desire for Sales
- Aptitude for Sales
- Behavioural Evidence
Equally, we have seen many mistakes in promoting good sales people to bad sales managers. Sales management is a different skill set and most good sales people tend not to make the best sales managers. The ISME helps you select the right person for a sales management role.
Index of Sales Management Effectiveness© (ISME©)
This tool is to help identify individuals who are more likely to be suited towards a Sales Management role by examining three key components:
- Their ‘drive’ for Sales Management (rather than just sales)
- Their ‘aptitude’ for Sales Management
- Behaviours they have previously evidenced around Sales Management

Effective Sales
Sales Index 360
Evaluating people within your sales team can also be tricky. Sales success can often mask missed sales growth opportunities, poor sales can cause you to miss a potential star which just happens to be in the wrong setting. The Sales Index360 gives you more information so that you can make the right decisions.
The Ethos of Infinite Possibilities
Using these tools ties in with the ethos of Infinite Possibilities, we want to understand the problem before we suggest any form of intervention – the principle of ‘diagnose before you prescribe’
To find out more about any of the above profiles and how they could be applied to your situation, please feel free to contact us on 01636 629002 or at info@infinite-possibilities.co.uk.